Healing wellness experience mat

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€ 899,00 (including VAT)

More about the gemstones in our product:

Amethyst Amethyst is a lilac to dark purple, translucent stone with a glassy luster. The stone belongs to the macrocrystalline quartz family. Amethyst has a protective and purifying effect and is a natural conductor of FIR and negative ions. The stone promotes self-insight and helps you to be honest with yourself. The Amethyst stimulates the upper chakras, therefore the Amethyst can promote spiritual growth and insights, especially for people who are at the beginning of their spiritual path. Amethyst also has a cleansing effect on the body and a positive influence on the nervous system, headaches, cell regeneration, migraines, nightmares and other sleeping problems. The amethyst used in the "healing wellness experience mat" is finely crushed and therefore the most comfortable.


 Jade Jade can be emerald green to pale green, yellowish, brownish and purple in color. The stone is translucent to opaque with a glassy to silky sheen. Jadeite, in addition to nephrite, is one of two stone types called jade. Jade is a cleansing and protective stone (especially against physical injury). It provides harmony and balance and attracts prosperity, good fortune and wealth. The stone promotes self-actualization and self-reliance and helps to release negative emotions and irritation. It acts on the heart chakra, promoting love, nurturing and tolerance. Jade stimulates the conception of all kinds of ideas and also the decisiveness to put them into practice. Physically jade has a strong cleansing effect, it brings all kinds of physical systems into balance and removes toxins from the body. It has a positive effect on kidneys and adrenals, bladder, nervous system and fertility. Finally, Jade is a natural conductor of FIR and negative ions.


Tourmaline Tourmaline is translucent to translucent with a glassy luster and can be various colors. Tourmaline has a grounding, protective and cleansing effect. It is a very suitable stone to use as protection against all kinds of negative energy and radiation. The stone does this in several ways: it works as a kind of shield, helps drain negative energy and converts negative energy into positive energy. This cleanses and balances the auric energy pathways. Tourmaline therefore helps you stand in your power and adopt a relaxed and confident attitude. Tourmaline not only has a positive effect on people and animals but also on plants and trees. The stone provides natural protection and stimulates growth and flowering.


Obsidian Obsidian is the only stone we use in our mats that does not produce FIR or negative ions. This stone originates from rapidly cooling lava and so is found in volcanic areas. It is an opaque black, glassy stone sometimes with white, gray or red flecks. Obsidian is a strong insight-giving and cleansing stone and stimulates personal development through (self) insight and clearing baggage from the past. It brings the truth, the core or cause of things (or illness) and repressed and hidden experiences and emotions to the surface. The stone can act as a mirror and helps one discover who one really is. The stone reduces fear, blockages, traumas and limiting behavioral and thinking patterns. The stone can work very powerfully and through the intense emotions that can come to the surface. Obsidian protects against psychic attacks, reduces negative mental or spiritual influences and absorbs negative energy from the environment (radiation, water veins, etc.). It promotes clarity of mind and sharpens the senses. Physically, the stone has an analgesic effect, removes cramps, stimulates digestion, detoxifies and improves circulation. The stone can therefore have a warming effect on chronically cold hands and feet.



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